deep palmar arch

Wikipedia Summary

The deep palmar arch (deep volar arch) is an arterial network found in the palm. It is usually primarily formed from the terminal part of the radial artery...
Related Codes (35)
S65.3Injury of deep palmar arch
S65.301Unspecified injury of deep palmar arch of right hand
S65.301AUnspecified injury of deep palmar arch of right hand, initial encounter
S65.301DUnspecified injury of deep palmar arch of right hand, subsequent encounter
S65.301SUnspecified injury of deep palmar arch of right hand, sequela
S65.302Unspecified injury of deep palmar arch of left hand
S65.302AUnspecified injury of deep palmar arch of left hand, initial encounter
S65.302DUnspecified injury of deep palmar arch of left hand, subsequent encounter
S65.302SUnspecified injury of deep palmar arch of left hand, sequela
S65.309Unspecified injury of deep palmar arch of unspecified hand

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